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Email remains one of the most lucrative marketing channels for businesses. Unlike PPC, it’s a free source of advertising and its aimed at people who have already shown an interest in your brand by subscribing to your newsletter. Evidence shows that these people are much more inclined to buy from you because a level of trust has already been established. Email marketing, therefore, is perfect for boosting your sales – provided it is done correctly. In this post, we’ll show you six useful tips to take your email campaigns to the next level.

电子邮件仍然是企业最赚钱的营销渠道之一。 与PPC不同,它是免费的广告来源,它的目标受众是已订阅您的时事通讯对您的品牌表现出兴趣的人。 证据表明,这些人更愿意向您购买,因为已经建立了信任级别。 因此,电子邮件营销是正确完成销售的完美选择。 在本文中,我们将向您展示六个有用的技巧,以使您的电子邮件广告系列更上一层楼。


1.电子邮件营销比销售更重要 (1. There’s more to email marketing than selling)

Let’s be honest, if all you used your email list for was to try and sell your products, your subscribers would soon get fed up. Instead, you should mix up your emails or newsletters with other forms of content that will keep subscribers engaged.

坦白说,如果您仅使用电子邮件列表来尝试销售产品,那么您的订户很快就会受够了。 相反,您应该将电子邮件或新闻通讯与其他形式的内容混合使用,以保持订户的参与度。

Many companies use email to help with branding and customer relations; they send out company news, how – to articles, product reviews and discount vouchers or coupon codes. Of course, they also include news about new products or upcoming sales.

许多公司使用电子邮件来帮助建立品牌和客户关系。 他们向公司发送商品,产品评论以及折扣券或优惠券代码的方式以及新闻。 当然,它们还包括有关新产品或即将销售的新闻。

By providing your subscribers with a variety of content they are more likely to read the newsletters and stay subscribed. They are also more likely to visit your site and buy your products, even when that might not have been the primary purpose of the email.

通过为您的订户提供各种内容,他们更有可能阅读新闻通讯并保持订阅状态。 他们也更有可能访问您的网站并购买您的产品,即使这可能不是电子邮件的主要目的。


2.内容仍占主导地位 (2. Content still rules the roost)

The key to conversion lies in the quality of the content you send to your subscribers. It needs to be well written, aimed at the needs of your readers and engaging for them to read. If you send a newsletter with excerpts of your posts, make sure the excerpts are good enough to get them to click through to your website and finish reading the whole article.

转换的关键在于您发送给订户的内容的质量。 它需要写得很好,针对读者的需求并吸引他们阅读。 如果您发送带有摘录内容的新闻通讯,请确保摘录足够好,以使它们可以单击进入您的网站并完成阅读整篇文章。

If you are just sending a marketing email, be succinct in what you say but make sure there is enough to get the reader to want to know more. If you can send rich text / HTML emails, try using images too, these are an excellent way to keep a reader engaged, especially if you are promoting a product.

如果您只是发送营销电子邮件,请简洁地说,但要确保有足够的内容让读者想了解更多。 如果您可以发送富文本/ HTML电子邮件,也可以尝试使用图像,这是保持读者参与度的绝佳方法,尤其是在推广产品时。

With marketing emails, you should always remember to include a compelling call to action in the copy, for example, ‘Buy today and get a 10% discount,’ or ‘Subscribe now and get 6 months for half price.”



3.以最合适的时间和频率发送电子邮件 (3. Send emails at the most opportune time and frequency)

A lot of research has gone into analysing the best times to send emails. Mail company MailChimp, for example, has analysed billions of mail addresses as part of the Email Genome Project and now has a Send Time Optimization feature. According to a MailChimp article, the best time to send email depends upon a number of factors relating to your business and your audience, however, overall, these are the best times to send:

已经进行了大量研究来分析发送电子邮件的最佳时间。 例如,作为电子邮件基因组计划的一部分,邮件公司MailChimp已分析了数十亿个邮件地址,现在具有“发送时间优化”功能。 根据MailChimp的文章 ,发送电子邮件的最佳时间取决于与您的业务和受众有关的许多因素,但是总的来说,这些是发送电子邮件的最佳时间:

  • Day of the week – Monday to Friday (except for mail about recreational content, when it’s the weekend)

  • Time of Day – the optimal send time is 10.30am (except for content about hobbies, which is 8.00am)


With regard to frequency, there has been a reduction in the number of marketing emails sent by businesses and instead of focusing on a programmatic schedule, email marketers now decide frequency based on the behaviour of their customers and how they react to triggers within previously sent emails. The companies that do this use big data analyses to discover the behavioural patterns.

关于频率,企业发送的营销电子邮件数量有所减少,电子邮件营销人员现在不再关注计划性时间表,而是根据客户的行为以及他们对先前发送的电子邮件中的触发器的React来决定频率。 这样做的公司使用大数据分析来发现行为模式。

For those that lack the capacity to analyse big data, the advice is not to oversend and to refrain from sending low-quality of irrelevant emails. Most companies send marketing emails about three times a month.

对于那些缺乏分析大数据能力的人,建议不要过度使用并且不要发送低质量的无关电子邮件。 大多数公司每月大约发送三遍营销电子邮件。


4.设计适合您品牌的新闻通讯 (4. Design your newsletter to fit your brand)

Every good email marketing service (e.g. MailChimp, Aweber, etc.) provides the means for companies to create attractive newsletters to mail out to their subscribers. You can also get plugins for your website that do the same thing, such as MailPoet.

每个良好的电子邮件营销服务(例如MailChimp,Aweber等)都为公司提供了创建有吸引力的新闻通讯以邮寄给其订户的方式。 您还可以为您的网站获取执行相同功能的插件,例如MailPoet。

The software needed to create newsletters is usually easy to use, often using drag and drop features and text editors. You can also create automated newsletters that select the excerpts and featured images from your recent blog posts.

创建新闻通讯所需的软件通常易于使用,经常使用拖放功能和文本编辑器。 您还可以创建自动新闻通讯,以从最近的博客文章中选择摘录和特色图片。

To get the most benefit from your newsletter design, it is important to match it to your corporate branding. Include your logo in the newsletter and use colours and fonts which are similar to those on your website. This consistency helps create trust in your users as they are more familiar with the branding when they open the post.

为了从您的时事通讯设计中获得最大收益,将其与公司品牌相匹配非常重要。 在新闻通讯中包含您的徽标,并使用与您网站上的颜色和字体相似的颜色和字体。 这种一致性有助于在您的用户打开帖子时更加熟悉品牌,从而赢得他们的信任。


5.了解您的垃圾邮件规则 (5. Know your spam rules)

There are two sets of rules which apply when sending marketing emails: legal rules you have to comply with; and best practice you need to follow to avoid your emails being regarded as spam by mail servers.

发送营销电子邮件时有两套适用的规则:您必须遵守的法律规则; 您需要遵循的最佳做法,以避免邮件服务器将您的电子邮件视为垃圾邮件。

With regard to legal rules, the email must clearly let the user know who the email is from and it should include both your business address and a working unsubscribe link. In addition, the subject line has to be relevant to the content. Importantly, you should only send marketing emails to those who have requested them.

关于法律规则,电子邮件必须清楚地让用户知道电子邮件的来源,并且应同时包括您的公司地址和有效的退订链接。 此外,主题行必须与内容相关。 重要的是,您只应将营销电子邮件发送给已请求电子邮件的人。

The business address will also help your mail from being treated as spam by email servers. In addition, you should also avoid using spammy sounding phrases in the subject line which may be filtered out.

公司地址也将帮助您的邮件被电子邮件服务器视为垃圾邮件。 此外,您还应避免在主题行中使用垃圾邮件听起来容易被过滤掉的短语。


6.测试和评估您的广告系列 (6. Test and evaluate your campaigns)

One way to ensure that your next campaign works even better is to analyse your metrics. Email marketers look at four different types of data: click through rates, conversion rates, opening rates and unsubscribe rates. You should look at these rates for each email you send to try and work out which types of content are more successful than others.

确保您的下一个广告系列效果更好的一种方法是分析指标。 电子邮件营销人员查看四种不同类型的数据:点击率,转换率,打开率和退订率。 您应该查看每封发送的电子邮件的这些费率,以尝试确定哪种类型的内容比其他类型更成功。

In addition, many email marketing services provide analytics for your campaigns and these can help you find out the following:


  • The best time and day for sending emails for your particular business

  • Which emails and subject lines get opened the most

  • Which emails get clicked on the most

  • Which emails cause most people to unsubscribe


Besides analysing the data from your previous emails, you can also A/B split test your next campaign on a small number of subscribers prior to it going live. This way you can make sure you are sending out the best version for the campaign to the rest of your subscribers.

除了分析之前电子邮件中的数据外,您还可以在投放之前先对少量订阅者进行A / B拆分测试,以测试下一个广告系列。 这样,您可以确保向其他订阅者发送该广告系列的最佳版本。


结论 (Conclusion)

Email continues to be a leading generator of business income and companies can benefit significantly from improving how they communicate with their subscribers. Hopefully, the tips we have mentioned in this post will help you improve your email marketing campaigns even more.

电子邮件继续是业务收入的主要产生者,公司可以通过改善与订户的通信方式而受益匪浅。 希望我们在本文中提到的技巧将帮助您进一步改善电子邮件营销活动。

If you are looking for an email service that provides a range of great features to help your email marketing campaigns, as well as offering security, accessibility, and spam and virus protection, then check out our email hosting packages.


翻译自: <>https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/6-useful-email-marketing-tips-for-small-business/



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